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6. 指示形容词:指示代词this,that,these,those之后接名词或one/ones时即成为指示形容词。
This book of Joe's is very amusing.乔的这本书非常有趣。
I dislike man of that type.我不喜欢那一类型的人。
These birds seem unaffected by climate.这些鸟似乎不受气候的影响。
Who are those people?那些人是谁?
I don't like this one,show me another.我不喜欢这个,请让我看看另一个。
This box is twice as large as that one.这个盒子大小是那个盒子的两倍。
7. 疑问形容词:疑问代词which,whose,what之后接名词或代词时即成为疑问形容词。
Whose bike is it?这是谁的自行车?
Let me know which train you'll be arriving on.告诉我你们将坐哪一趟车来。
What books have you read on this subject?你读过哪些关于这方面的书?/Which one do you want?你想要哪一个?
8. 关系形容词:关系代词which,whose,what之后接名词时即成为关系形容词。
The men whose names were called left the room.那些被叫到名字的人离开了房间。
She spoke to me in Japanese,which language I didn't understand.她用日语跟我说话,但我不懂这种语言。
Do you give her what money you had?你把你所有的钱都给了她吗?
9. 副词形容词:由副词充当,这类词较少。
The ball here is mine.这儿的这个球是我的。
That's my coat;yours is here.那是我的大衣,你的在这儿。
He caught the up train.他赶上了上行的火车。
Overall industrial production was up compared with last year.与去年相比,整个工业产值上升了很多。
10. 动词形容词:由动词转换而成,即动名词、现在分词及过去分词。
In spring we uncover the swimming pool.春天我们移去游泳池的覆盖物。
Humanity in bathing suits covered the sand.海滩上全是穿着泳装的人。
There is running water in the kitchen and the bathroom.厨房和卫生间都有自来水。
Brewer is a very interesting man.布鲁尔是一个很有趣的人。
The police intercepted the flight of the escaped criminal and put him back in jail.警察把越狱的罪犯拦截并押回监狱。
The frightened girl ran out of the room.那个受惊的女孩跑出了房间。


1. 用作定语。
He is a calm man.他是个镇定的人。
He made a capital error.他犯了一个重大的错误。
This is careless work;do it again!这个工作做得粗枝大叶,重做!
The elderly man is my grandfather.这位上了年纪的老人是我祖父。
It's a friendly chat.这是一次友好的交谈。
2. 用作主语补足语。
I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair.我真高兴能从那件棘手的事情中解脱出来。
The boy is fond of acting up with him.那个男孩爱跟他捣蛋。
Our teacher is strict with us, but we are not afraid of her.老师对我们要求很严,可是我们并不怕她。
The baby appeared to be asleep.这婴儿好像睡着了。
All the houses in this project are alike.规划中的这批房子都是一样的。
Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour.她丈夫为她的行为感到害臊。
I am not alone in this opinion.持这种意见的不只是我一个人。
It amazed her that he was still alive.他还活着,这使她感到惊异。
3. 用作宾语补足语。
He clapped the door shut.他猛地把门关上。
The sheep had cropped the grass short.羊群已经把青草吃短了。
The doctor certified the prisoner insane.医生证实该囚犯精神异常。
We cheered ourselves hoarse.我们把嗓子都喊哑了。
4. 用作名词。
They portioned the food out to the poor.他们将食物分发给穷人。
The young need care and protection.年轻人需要关怀和爱护。
The blind have keen touch.盲人有敏锐的触觉。

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