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牛津高中英语模块八 Unit 4 重点词汇讲解
编辑:admin 时间:2015/12/4 11:23:20 来源:高中学习网

1.interrupt vt./ vi. 阻碍(某人),打断(某人的)话 vt./ vi. 使(工作、谈话等)中断
Don’t interrupt me while I am working. 我在工作时别打扰我。
I’m sorry to interrupt you, but there’s someone to see you. 对不起打扰你一下,有人要见你。
He interrupted his work to have lunch. 他中止工作去吃午餐。
A flash interrupted the program. 新闻快报插播使得节目中断。

2.distinguish vt./ vi 区分,识别,辨认;清楚地看见/听见;显示……的特征;使(自己)扬名;使著名
I couldn’t distinguish the twin brother. 请告诉我如何分辨那对双胞胎。
Please tell me how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one. 请告诉我如何分辨毒蛇和无毒蛇。
On a clear day we can distinguish the letters on the airlines as they take off. 在晴朗的日子,班机起飞时,我们可以清晰地看见机体上的文字。
Very long necks distinguish giraffes. 长颈鹿的特征是有个长长的脖子。
He distinguished himself by winning four prizes. 他因赢得4个奖而出名。

3.favor  n. 善意;恩惠,支持;赞同 vt. 对……有好感;支持,赞同;有助于……
do sb. a favor/ do a favor for sb. 帮某人
in favor of 支持;赞同
Will you do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗?
I consider it a favor if you would reply at once. 如蒙即行惠复,实感幸甚。
He looked on us with favor. 他亲切地看待我们。
I spoke in favor of the motion. 我发言赞同这个提议。
Which side do you favor? 你支持哪一边?
Fortune favors the brave. 命运眷顾勇者。

4.stick n. 棒,棍;树枝 vi./ vt. 刺;扎上;插入;粘住,帖上;陷入;使……不能动弹
He put a stick into the ground to mark the point. 他在地上插了一根棒子,作为那个地点的标志。
He stuck his fork into a big piece of meat. 他用叉子插进一大块肉。
He stuck a needle on to make holes on the lid of the box where he kept the insects. 他在装有昆虫的盒盖上用针戳了几个孔。
A nail stuck in the tyre of my car. 一根钉子扎进我的轮胎。
Don’t stick your head out of the window of the car. 别将头伸出窗外。
He licked the stamps and stuck them onto the parcel. 他舔了舔那些邮票,然后把它们贴在包裹上。
Our car was stuck in the mud. 我们的车子陷入泥泞中。
Are you stuck on the problem? 你被这个问题难住了吗?

5.suspect vt. 怀疑;猜疑
suspect sb. of (doing) sth.怀疑某人做了某事
suspect sb. to be…疑心某人是……
suspect that…疑心……
He was suspected of the murder by the police.警方认为他涉嫌那起谋杀案。
She suspected him of taking her money.她怀疑他拿了她的钱。
I suspect him to be a thief.我疑心他是个在贼。
Betty suspected that man to be a murderer.贝蒂疑心那人是凶手。

6.realize vt. 领悟,体会,认识到;实现,达成(计划,希望等)
He didn’t realize his mistakes. 他没有察觉到自己的错误。
I realized that he needed help at that time. 我了解他当时需要帮助。
Suddenly he realized what was happening. 突然间他觉察到发生什么了。
He realized his dream. 他实现了他的梦想。
The fears were realized. 恐惧成为事实。

7.possess vt. 拥有,持有;具有(性情,特性);(强烈的感情、恶魔等)缠住,支配,控制 n. possession 拥有,占有
He possessed five acres of land. 他拥有5英亩土地。
Girls always possess great patience. 女孩子总是有耐心。
She was suddenly possessed by fear. 她突然感到害怕。
in possession of拥有,占有
in the possession (某物)为(某人)所有
He is in lawful possession of a shotgun. 他合法地持有猎枪。
The rare stamp is in the possession of an unknown collector. 那珍奇的邮票现在为一位不知名的收藏家所有。

8.attain vt. (努力)达成……,完成,获得;到达(场所,年龄)
He attained his goal at last. 他终于达成了他的目标。
He attained a high position. 他获得了崇高的地位。
We attained the peak toward noon. 我们在接近正午时到达山顶。
He attained the age of eighty. 他已经80岁了。

9.reward n. 报酬,奖赏;奖金 vt. 给予报酬;报答;奖赏
He worked hard without any hope of reward. 他辛勤工作却丝毫不期报酬。
He was given a medal as a reward for his service. 他因有功而获颁一枚奖章。
She offered a reward of $2,000 for information about her missing son. 她悬赏2,000 美元,找寻失踪儿子的下落。
How can I reward your kindness? 我如何才能报答你的好意呢?
He was rewarded with remarkable success. 辉煌的成就是他辛勤努力的丰硕的果实。

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