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Moving to a new home
编辑:admin 时间:2015/5/27 11:03:53 来源:高中学习网

    Moving to a new home, perhaps even a new state? Here are some tips for making it a more positive, even fun experience: 

    Write in a journal 

    You may have a lot of thoughts rolling around in your head about the move, and getting them down on paper can really help you sort through them. Once written down on paper, you can expand on them and even research ways to solve problems. 

    Do some research 

    Concern and doubt may turn into excitement as you find out about your new town and neighborhood. If you’re allowed to use the Internet, find out what there is to see and do. Most cities have websites with links to activities, services and places to eat. Schools and park departments also often have websites.

    Plan your new room 

    If you get to visit your new home beforehand, snap (抓拍) a photograph of it. Think about how you’ll arrange the furniture you’re bringing. Check out online stores for ideas. There are also magazines devoted to ideas for decorating kids’rooms. 

    Say goodbye 

    Make a list of everyone you’d like to say goodbye to, then try to visit each person before you go. Make sure to get their addresses and phone numbers. Take an autograph book and have them sign it. 

    Once you’ve arrived 

    Even with the best planning, everyone can get lonely after a move. So to get through the blues(因此为度过这种孤单的感觉), visit places you researched, try to get involved in activities similar to the ones you were in before, keep writing in your journal, keep in touch with your old friends by phone and mail and send them photographs of your new home and school.

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